Monday, June 8, 2009

Look who was at Mummy's office on Sunday?

It's me, my mummy's sweetheart - Wally! Mummy need to go back to work on Sunday. I'm the priviledge one to accompany her! Well, it's Sunday so the office was quiet. That's why she wanted to bring me along to accompany her. Anyway on usual day we are definitely not allow to enter.

We were there since morning 10am and left at 4pm. Actually it was quite boring so most of the time I was napping on her table. But I don't mind as it was more cooling than staying at home. Good thing was I get to snack on some human food like bread and chicken nuggets when she was eating her lunch. So yummy!

Wally: My first photo upon arrival and there mummy started her work...

Wally: Oh, I'm tired already and going to take a nap on her side table. I don't want to sleep on the floor so dirty....

Wally was napping!

Wally: Mummy, I wake up already... it's getting boring! When are you finishing?

Wally: Yeah! Mummy is packing up and going home. Wait...let me have a last shot! What a memorable day for me!


  1. nice.....can go office..:)

  2. What fun, you got to go to work with your Mummy.

    Simba and Jazzi xx

  3. Wally, you are such a good boy.. going to work with your mummy. So adorable.

  4. Oh lucky you Wally!! Mom never bring me to her office, I always told her it will be fun to have me around.

  5. It must be so much fun for you going to work with mommy. tee...hee...

  6. Hi All,

    Ya man it's really nice to accompany my mummy to work! Don't know when will be the next time...?

    Wally Boy
