Thursday, August 12, 2010

Daily Living - Jun 2010

Some updates of us for Jun 2010... Our mummy was busy with work since May 2010 till now so been neglecting us! Sad sad! Anyway she still snapped some cute photos of us... Enjoy!

6 Jun 2010
Wally & Want went out for dinner with the family.

Wally: Mummy can I have that drumstick??? Drooling!!!

Want: haha I'm smarter just rest on the chair lah, we will never be able to get the drumstick...

Want: Mummy don't let Wally come up ok?

Wally looking angry: I want to sit with her...

Don't we look adorable together! Hehe a lot of people looking at us...

9 Jun 2010
Wally & Sniper

Wally: Mummy I also want to eat! What's Sniper is eating???
Sniper: Don't come near I'm not going to lift up my head till I'm done...hahaha!!!

12 Jun 2010
Who's that with his favourite toys

Haha is me, Sniper! Look at my hair got center parting and so curly...

Sleep on it so no one can snatch it from me...wooh wooh!

18 Jun 2010
Want, Cooper, Win & Waren

Look at us all so untidy! Times for grooming my dear Mummy!!!


  1. Thanks for posting. I really missed them. How is Wonder doing??

  2. Hi Sybil,

    Wonder is adapting well and only gets depressed once awhile. As she is camera shy so I seldom take photo of her. Will try to snap some pics of her after I groom her next week.

  3. Hi Wen!

    They are simply adorable! Hope they can be friends with my Georgia =] Have a great day!

  4. Hi Paula & Georgia,

    Thanks for visiting us! Nice to be friends with both of you!

