(Daughter of Cooper & Win Win)
Barkday - 23 November 2002
Favourite - Same like the parent, simply love to eat everything but can't take chicken due to sensitive skin. She used to be very overweight like a little piglet until my aunt came to stay with us and put her through a strict diet, now she is slim & pretty like a princess.
She is a attention seeker and as gluey as maltose. Very close to my aunt and sleep with her. She always carry herself like a proud little princess and she is the only one who Sniper is afraid of. She is our Chilli padi small but fierce ...
She had been through a short period of showing too.
Want Want at 2 months old. She don't look so good at that times...

As she grew up into a pretty little sweet girl...

During her show days ...

Want want little Barkday party - cake from doggie cafe.

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